Saturday, February 27, 2010

Are you Serious?

I am open to your ideas and willing to compromise
However you never bring up anything serious or realistic to compromise with

I am open to listen to your ideas
But you know there is no way I will implement any ideas that are different than mine
Any different ideas you bring up will never be implemented and are therefore unrealistic
You never bring up any realistic ideas.

Let's be bi-partisan.
Support my ideas.

I am willing to have a serious debate.
If you agree with me, I will take you seriously.
I am willing to entertain any questions, as long as they are on topic.
Any questions that show you are in disagreement can't be taken seriously and are therefore off-topic

I am willing to compromise
However you never bring up anything serious or realistic to compromise with

A Capital idea

I am creating a powerful goverment that will be benevolent
I am protecting the people from evil Capitalists and Corporations
We will all be poor but we will be safe and happy with full employment
I will of course be the benevolent feudal lord and protect my poor serfs
Since I have all the power it is my obligation as a noble
I destroy the economy and people's freedom but for the best of intentions
I am progressive trust me

I am not a socialist I am a progressive
Protecting the people from evil Capitalists is progressive because it's a new idea
Progress comes from Capitalists but they monopolize it and take advantage of workers
Therefore we need to control them for the sake of the people
We will deprive them of capital and distribute it fairly to the workers.
Without capitol they won't make the kind of progress they can take advantage of
Even though we will make no progress we have progressed because it is different

Change and Hope

Change is new
New is progressive
Any kind of change is better than doing nothing
Let make progress through change and hope it works

Old ideas haven't worked
New ideas are progressive and will work
I have changed all history to fit my current perspective
so the ideas that never worked are forgotten or ignored
My new ideas are the same old really bad ones
But to us they are new so we have Hope for change

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Fascists were called right wing. Republicans are called right wing. Republicans are Fascists.

Fascists are terrible and evil. Republicans are terrible and evil.

Explosives must be precisely placed to demolish buildings by implosion.
Since the World Trade center imploded it must have been caused by precisely planted explosives.
Terrorists used planes which aren't a precisely placed explosive. Terrorists couldn't have caused the WTC to implode.
It was evil to destroy the WTC.
Bush and Jews are evil and the terrorists couldn't have done it. So Bush did it together with the Jews.

Jews and Bush are the devil and evil. (Penguin Logic: Jew Bullation)
Israel is a Jewish state and I hate evil and the devil. So I hate Israel, Bush and the USA.
Islamists hate Israel/USA. I feel the same way. I support them and their hate propaganda.
But those Israel/USA Haters are liars, racists, terrorists and monsters who murder innocents.
I am not any of those so they can't be either.
Islamists are just militants in a valiant struggle for freedom and land.
They are all just victims of an oppressive Zionist entity and the USA.
I don't hate Jews only Big Bad Israel/USA.

It's good to care. I care so I am good.
If you don't care about what I do you are bad and must be forced to do as I do because it's good.

War is the opposite of Peace. If we don't make war then we have peace.
We should withdraw our troops and never fight again.

If it's possible then it could be true.
Any way out theory that I make up is possible. So I will believe it's true.
You show me facts, proof or logic, that contradicts what I believe is true. Your facts, proof or logic must be a lie and you are a liar.
I'm angry because you are lying to me.
I'm so angry that I curse, slap, hurt, burn, spurn, punish, humiliate, slander and ruin you.
My bad actions are your fault because you lied to me.
Liars are bad. Liars should shut up and be censored. Liars are hateful.
You are so hateful that you should die.

Righteous poverty

Only the good die young
Nice Guys finish last
Bad things happen to good people
The rich live longer, finish first and avoid bad things.
The Rich must be evil bad people.

Money is the root of all evil
I am poor so I must be good

I am afraid to get a better Job
I am really afraid to open a business
Education is not my thing
I am not willing to do the evil things needed to get rich.

I am morally superior.

The Greater Good or Govern-Mint

Taking money from people by force is stealing.
Stealing is bad!
Giving money to the needy is called charity.
Charity is good!
If I steal money but give it to charity, one balances the other.

Taxes are monies taken from people by force of law.
Taxes must be used to help the needy to justify the theft and offset the guilt.
The more Socialist programs the government creates the better.

Government welfare helps the needy so it must be charitable and good.
Welfare laws discourage work, create multi-generational dependency and keep people needy.
That's lucky because if there were no needy people then we could not give charity and do good.

To be good and not just neutral our charity must be greater than our theft.
We use taxes to pay for essential government services like defense which isn't charity.
To keep being good we need to borrow money to compensate and fund more spending on the needy.

We have to pay back the money we borrowed plus interest.
We borrrow the amount of the debt from someone else to pay back the prior lender and so on.

We eventually tax you so much that it doesn't pay to work.
If you don't work you won't earn any money for us to steal.
Plan B. We steal half the value of your homes, cars and other assets by printing twice as much money and creating inflation.
To make up for the money which is now worth half we must double our payments to the needy by tying them to inflation.
Now we can pay back our loans 50 cents on the Dollar.

Soon nobody works, no one has any assets left and we all become needy.
Yay! We can give the rest of the world a chance to be good.


Global Warming is due to Carbon Dioxide.
Humans exhale Carbon Dioxide.
Eliminating Humans will stop Global Warming.

Humans evolved. Animals evolved. Therefore humans are animals.
Humans are animals and have rights. Therefore Animals have the same rights as Humans.

Animals have the right to life.
Humans who kill and eat animals should be killed to protect animals.

Chimpanzees have similar Genes to a Person
Chimpanzees should be declared a Person.

Government agencies are made of government workers.
Government agencies are created, funded and sustained by laws.
Government workers want to keep their jobs forever.
Legislators who make laws are government workers.
Legislators make laws that will sustain government worker's jobs forever.

We scientists at the government agency NOAA have proved that CO2 buildup is irreversible.
Laws sustain government jobs
We will make it law to keep trying to fix irreversible CO2 buildup.