Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Greater Good or Govern-Mint

Taking money from people by force is stealing.
Stealing is bad!
Giving money to the needy is called charity.
Charity is good!
If I steal money but give it to charity, one balances the other.

Taxes are monies taken from people by force of law.
Taxes must be used to help the needy to justify the theft and offset the guilt.
The more Socialist programs the government creates the better.

Government welfare helps the needy so it must be charitable and good.
Welfare laws discourage work, create multi-generational dependency and keep people needy.
That's lucky because if there were no needy people then we could not give charity and do good.

To be good and not just neutral our charity must be greater than our theft.
We use taxes to pay for essential government services like defense which isn't charity.
To keep being good we need to borrow money to compensate and fund more spending on the needy.

We have to pay back the money we borrowed plus interest.
We borrrow the amount of the debt from someone else to pay back the prior lender and so on.

We eventually tax you so much that it doesn't pay to work.
If you don't work you won't earn any money for us to steal.
Plan B. We steal half the value of your homes, cars and other assets by printing twice as much money and creating inflation.
To make up for the money which is now worth half we must double our payments to the needy by tying them to inflation.
Now we can pay back our loans 50 cents on the Dollar.

Soon nobody works, no one has any assets left and we all become needy.
Yay! We can give the rest of the world a chance to be good.

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