Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Global Warming is due to Carbon Dioxide.
Humans exhale Carbon Dioxide.
Eliminating Humans will stop Global Warming.

Humans evolved. Animals evolved. Therefore humans are animals.
Humans are animals and have rights. Therefore Animals have the same rights as Humans.

Animals have the right to life.
Humans who kill and eat animals should be killed to protect animals.

Chimpanzees have similar Genes to a Person
Chimpanzees should be declared a Person.

Government agencies are made of government workers.
Government agencies are created, funded and sustained by laws.
Government workers want to keep their jobs forever.
Legislators who make laws are government workers.
Legislators make laws that will sustain government worker's jobs forever.

We scientists at the government agency NOAA have proved that CO2 buildup is irreversible.
Laws sustain government jobs
We will make it law to keep trying to fix irreversible CO2 buildup.

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