Saturday, February 14, 2009

I Must in the morning

I'm an Attic so I MUST be musty.
I'm an Addict so I MUST not be trusty.

I am worshipped so I MUST be God
Kids need discipline so I MUST not spare the Rod.

My Rap words rhyme so I MUST be a poet.
I've fallen on my Penis so I MUST not Blow it.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Jew Bullation II

I am a Christian and we are taught that the Jews killed god on a Roman cross.
Killing god is the ultimate sin.
Jews are ultimate sinners.
Whatever we do to the Jews is OK because they deserve it.

I am a Muslim and we are taught that the Jews rejected Muhammed.
Rejecting Muhammed is the ultimate sin.
Jews are ultimate sinners.
Whatever we do to the Jews is OK because they deserved it and the Christians won't mind.

Jew Bullation

Love of Money is the root of all evil.
Jews love Money.
Jews are evil.

The devil has horns.
My innacurate Bible translation says Moses had horns.
Jews are the devil.

Victim Hoodwink

Whites enslaved blacks.
Slavery is Oppression.
Whites are oppressors.

The oppressed are victims.
Victims should be compensated.
So we the jury find O.J. Simpson innocent of murder because he is black.
We want affirmative action excluding whites forever.
Victims can't get ahead so we need government help forever.
Vote Democrat because they understand and give us our fix.

America is run by White oppressors (Jews, Republicans etc.). So, everything America does in the world is oppressive.
Opression on this scale is the ultimate evil.
Bush is the President so Bush is the ultimate evil.
The devil is the ultimate Evil. So Bush and America are both the Devil.

Jail Birdbrain

People say no but can be convinced to say yes.
This woman is saying no to sex.
It's not rape because no is just a prelude to yes.